Thursday 27 January 2022

Places that you could visit for free in Singapore


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Singapore is an amazing place to be at and when we visit this place, this beautiful cluster of islands, has a lot to offer for free, so don’t miss these places as they are  awesome.......

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Merlion – At Merlion you could take a walk through the Marina Bay Sands, enjoy the view of the Iconic statue of Lion-Fish. Merlion denotes Mer-Sea and lion, also don’t miss the Firework Display at the Night.

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 Tree Top Walk - Nature lovers would definitely must take a walk at this bridge, to immerse themselves into nature and to gasp a fresh breathe of air.

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Sentosa Beach – At this Sentosa Island Only Universal Studios, Aquarium and Museum is located but you need to pay the entrance fees to get in, but you can visit the Casino at Sentosa, where the entry is free for foreigners, also you would you will be provided with free refreshments like tea, coffee and juice. Do visit this place and take a look at the Casino.

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Botanical Garden Nature lovers will love this place and this place is so relaxing as you walk in, this garden is well planned with rich fauna that are so colorful and dense, which really makes us feel that we are lost in this beautiful place. The interesting part is it has a beautiful pond with beautiful water lilies, which is maintained so well. The plants on both sides of the passage look so beautiful.

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Buddha Tooth Relic Temple - This is a really large temple with four floors. The Buddha tooth, which is preserved at this temple, makes it so special, there is a dress code to visit this temple, as we should not wear short dresses. As you enter at the entrance they will provide incense sticks, which you have to lit and place it with you wish. And there is a spherical ball, on which you should place your hands and pray for your wish and the belief here is that it will be fulfilled.

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Chinese Garden -  This garden was built by the famous Taiwan Architect Yuen-Chen Yu, who recreated the Sung Dynasty of Northern China. As you enter this place you could witness the iconic Chinese Pagoda, Stone boats ponds and the pair of majestic Lion statues guarding the entrance and many varieties of Bonsai trees, plants and this place is easily accessible through MRT as a dedicated stopping is available for this Chinese Garden.

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Japanese Garden – This garden is operational between 6 am -10 pm and you could take a long walk across the garden, gasp for some fresh breath and enjoy the beautiful scenic Japanese garden.

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Gardens By The Bay
- You could enjoy a relaxing view of Flower Dome and cloud forest. As you walk around the flower dome you could enjoy the light effects and if you are there at this point around 7:30 in the evening, which will be an eye treat and so colourful. So spend some time and enjoy the moments.

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Top 10 Pavilions to Visit in expo 2020


 The Pavilion is shaped like a falcon in flight and features 28 wings which open to reveal solar panels. It is a four story building, which spreads across 15000sqmt.To avoid more waiting period you should visit early as this pavilion is one of the most crowded pavilion. As you get inside the pavilion it immerses us in the history of this nation as you could literally witness, touch and feel the real sand in a triangular shape on which the projections are made about the history and evolution of Uae in 50years and followed by which as you enter the main zone the flooring is done with interactive motion sensors which showcases a colorful display based on your movements, symbolizing  the unity is the strength and you can see the royal families of Uae on a photographic projections and finally you can witness a short animated video about the evolution of Uae from a humble start, don't miss to visit this pavilion.


This pavilion is such a bliss for our eyes as it is green and people love to be around nature, then it's a must visit place as this pavilion is Nature Themed, Nurture and 

Future. Singapore Pavilion showcases Singapore’s urban 

innovations. Then Iconic pavilion brought a real rainforest 

kind of set up inside their pavilion, sounds interesting isn't 

it. Let's dive in. As we get inside this pavilion you could get to 

see greenery all around you and followed by which we could 

get inside the city cone and understand various human 

factors that cause climate change, triggers global warming 

and how to counter this and followed by that you can 

witness an immersive 3-Dimensional city in a garden, a green 

space flanked by forest trees. Vertical gardens inside this 

pavilion are really a bliss for our eyes and also decorate the 

walls everywhere inside this pavilion, which binds closely 

and makes us feel like we are lost inside a rainforest, which 

you could enjoy watching by 

climbing the spherical stairs inside. As you reach the center 

nodal point of the rainforest cone, you could see the beauty 

from the top, which was inspired by the Dipterocap Tree, 

one of the largest tree varieties of the South East 

Asia. Followed by which we could reach a dark room, where 

you see many varieties of fauna, which bloom in Exuberance 

and you could also get to learn from the laboratory.


The pavilion offers an open invitation to the world to explore the country through four core pillars: people, heritage, nature and opportunity. you will be able to experience its hospitality and learn about its authentic culture, heritage, diversity and promising investment opportunities. The exterior holds the world record for the largest interactive display which displays the kingdom's culture

As you enter you are greeted by a vertical fountain, followed by a large display portraying different landscapes of the country. while on your way to the first floor you can see the history of Saudi Arabia in the form of near-life size 3D models. On the first floor you can see a hemispherical display and curved displays on the wall. The displays show various

 iconic places of the country, supporting tourism. while on

 your way down you can see a vision of what the country

 might be in the future. finally you can see a globe shaped 

display interactive floors featuring the creativity of the 



 As you enter this pavilion you could witness a small shop

 with a cafeteria, followed by which you witness the

 important cities of brazil that are showcased and also

 arrangements were made to sit and relax at this pavilion.

 Kids love this pavilion as this place filled with water and

 artificial waves are created to give you a feel of a beach, you

 could also enjoy lying over the hammock and enjoy the


You are able to witness man-made waterfalls and you are allowed to indulge yourself and enjoy your time at this waterfall.

If you go up to the first floor you could witness many handmade products and you could also witness many paintings, promoting Brazilian tourism. Best time to visit this place is at night as you see the waterfalls at night is an eye treat and also many wall projections.



It is called as the heart of the Dubai Expo 2020, and as the Arabic name of Al Wasl suggest it the connection point of all the three main zones namely, opportunity, sustainability and mobility and the main specialty of this pavilion is the 360o LED projection surface over which mesmerizing beams will be projected on the translucent Dome with the help of 200 + projectors, which is the world’s largest Dome. So sit back, and enjoy the enthralling show for at least 15 minutes, which is so relaxing on seeing the color's and the music that was played.


The duration of touring at this pavilion will take you around 60 minutes, as you enter this pavilion you will be provided with an earphone followed by mobile phone and you will be instructed on how to use the mobile phone and you had to enter few basic information like you name and place of origin etc. for setting up the phone, followed by which you will be let inside the pavilion in 10 minutes. As you enter the first section it will be dark, misty and also you could experience a string like projections with different places around Japan, also you could see many projections depicting the cultural heritage, history and people of Japan around the dark misty zones.

Next zone you can see special art form where the convert the real life subjects into miniatures showcasing sustainability and many other minutes that are based on

Section 3 has a projection on which you could see a lot of information about the atmosphere and followed by a small dance session to nature the sense of integration towards sustainable goal.



You will be provided with an Umbrella at the entrance. As you

 get inside the Netherland pavilion you could see a dome 

shaped roofing and you will be instructed to open the 

umbrella and the interesting part of this pavilion is that the 

projections are made on the umbrella and the background 

music with a mesmerizing and colorful show and must visit 

the pavilion.



If you want to get a back a classroom set, do visit German Pavilion as you get to the entrance and once the enrollment is done you will be provided with id card and followed by which you will be sent to a classroom set up and there will be an induction session, where you would get to know about “Anthropocene”, which is a geological approach which says past is the key to the future and also signifies positive impact created by human on climate and environment and also you could get to know possible ways through which we can attain positive global development.

Ball Pit

 Next we get to witness 100000 balls here and each ball tells us a new story, so 100000 balls has 100000 different stories were you need to pick one and place in a scanner to witness a short story on


Energy Lab

Here you could take part in an interactive session through the display boards and get to know many interesting facts about clean and sustainable energy. You can also be an energy manager and learn many interesting things through many interactive sessions and enjoy some games either.


Future City Lab

This place is one of the best places to be, where we could get to know how the future of the cities will be and the technological advancements across different fields. Here you could also get to see a magnet based elevator which could travel both horizontally and vertically, sounds interesting isn’t it….


Biodiversity Lab

This place gives us an experience and also we could learn the importance of flora and fauna towards maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

Graduation Hall

Finally, to the graduation hall, where we had to take part in the swinging ceremony on an amazing swing with an awesome swing with a perfect lit ambiance, and the interesting thing is all had to swing in the same direction, which symbolizes unity for a better future. Which makes us feel a sense of achievement.


The pavilion is themed Creative Mind: Driving the future. It is one of the biggest pavilions in the expo 2020. The pavilion’s exterior is one of the most stunning places to visit at the expo 2020, which is designed on the motto to express different ideas to lead the future. The exterior of this pavilion is so colorful and the inside of the pavilion is as spectacular as the outside with the concept of the famous Russian Matryoshka stacked wood dolls and further this pavilion focused on the theme creative mind -Driving the future and conceptualized about human brain and the objectives that we should focus in creating better world for which the human brain and our thought process becomes fundamental and best visual in the world where used to demonstrate an experience of the future and LED motion sensing floor panels are used  which changes based on the movement. Finally we were able to witness the most amazing invention, that is a monitoring and control system that offers a safe driving through our eye movements and facial expressions, sounds interesting isn't it, with the most advanced technologies and inventions that Russia had come out with.


Every explorer would definitely love to visit Switzerland, because of its rich natural habitat, so as everybody does even I was excited to explore Switzerland Pavilion. You will be welcomed with a red carpet and at the entrance you will be provided a bright red umbrella and as you walk in you could see a duo of red and giant mirror exterior, as you get closer to the pavilion you can see a reflection of yourself on this giant mirror, which is majestic and eye-catching, so don’t miss to take a selfie. As you get inside this pavilion, you need to walk through a tunnel kind of a structure to dive into the Swiss hiking, so here we could get to surrounded by a fog and enjoy being at the top of a Swiss mountains and followed by which you take a look at the Alps and next is the summit were you could get to know about the latest technology for vertically travel by Schindler’s Electric Elevators on a pleasant blue light ambiance. Followed by which you see some of the exhibits like Satellite pictures of Dubai by the University of Zurich, captured by the state of art remote sensing Laboratories, Barn owl etc. Next you could get to learn about the advancements of Switzerland’s healthcare sector from the digital presentations and finally reached the chocolate zone, where we could see the display of the largest collections of chocolate and you can also purchase what you like and enjoy the world’s best chocolates.

Saturday 1 January 2022

Top 10 things to do at Dubai Expo 2020

 Top 10 things to do at Dubai Expo 2020

Despite the delay at the start of the Dubai Expo 2020, it was recently inaugurated in a grandeur way, just for the inauguration ceremony fireworks of about RS.50lakhs was spent . Expo 2020 occupies around 60 football grounds, which is massive. Below I Have mentioned top thing to do at Dubai Expo 

Ball Pit at Germany Pavilion

The Swing at Germany.

House of Mirrors at Mexico

Slide at Luxenberg

Waterfall at Night

Circus Game at Terra

Expo Explorer train

The Lagoon at Brazil

Waterfall at Day